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Sunday, January 18, 2009


Are you ready to build more responsive web applications with richer UI elements? This detailed guide to the Microsoft AJAX Library shows you how to bring together ASP.NET 2.0 with an object-oriented approach to JavaScript development using this new framework from Microsoft. You'll gain an in-depth understanding of the ASP.NET AJAX architecture, including the server controls, client-side JavaScript library, and runtime environment. By following the numerous examples, you'll see how much your users benefit from this new class of web applications that manipulate the browser's DOM and communicate with the server to update the user's view of a page without waiting for the entire page to be refreshed.

Written by Microsoft's lead ASP.NET AJAX developer together with an in-the-field Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), this book guides you through the core of the Microsoft AJAX Library and the controls you will use to leverage AJAX. It provides you with code samples to take advantage of some of the popular shared-source ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit controls and extensions. And you'll work through debugging functionality in Visual Studio® and the browser as well as methods for effective testing.


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